Saturday, October 24, 2009

Like Father Like Son

So, this is what I found when I got out of the shower yesterday morning! He's already starting on Scott's seed habbit, spit cup and everything.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

FHE Pumpkin Carving

For Family Night on Monday we went to KFC, then we went and visited Grandpa Facer. After that, we stopped at Macey's and got a pumpkin to carve. Canyon wanted a little one but they didn't have many little ones so we ended up with a medium sized one.

Canyon in front of the GIANT pumpkin at Macey's.

Canyon & Daddy carving the pumpkin.

Daddy being such a good sport... :)

Savanna just hangin out and enjoying her baba. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Toy Story 3D

So I haven't taken Canyon to a movie since he was really little and was a little worried to take him to one but decided I'd give it a shot. Yesterday we decided to go to Toy Story 3D because Canyon loves that movie and I thought it would be fun to see it in 3D. We went with Shelly & Melanie and Canyon did so good!! He was so funny and I was laughing at him most of the time. He would have sudden outbursts of excitement all the time and I was almost crying I was laughing so hard. One time he yelled "nice shot Zurg!" and it was hillarious. He didn't wear his glasses for very long though because they were so big and they kept falling off. He liked it though and he decided that he wants to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. We'll see if I can pull that one off! Here's a picture of him all set for the movie to begin. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

What's going on in my world...

- Work... all the time.
- Savanna is almost crawling. She's so cute :)
- Canyon is 2 1/2. Yes, he's definitley testing my patience each and every day.
- Scott - duck hunt starts Saturday. Enough said.
- Potty training. some days are hopeful and some days just aren't.
- Savanna is still awake all night. She doesn't sleep during the day either. I think she's a robot.
- Scott just got called as a supervisor in the Teachers Quorum in our new ward. :)
- Savanna just had her 6 month apt and she weighs 18.5 lbs. (90th percentile)
- We moved Savanna and Canyon into the same room yesterday.
- Canyon's name isn't Canyon anymore. His name is "the brave little toaster". Sometimes he prefers to go by "Diego Canyon Facer Diego".

I lead such an exciting life!! :)

Back in business!!

For those of you who don't know, my camera broke 2 months ago and I've been cameraless ever since! Well, besides my cell phone anyway. I'm happy to say that I bought a new camera on ebay, and got a killer deal, and it got here yesterday and now I'm back in business! Yay!! Here are a few random pics that I took yesterday to celebrate!